
Kiri Vehera Kataragama

Kiri Vehera Kataragama

Kiri Vehera

Kiri Vehera is one of the five most important sites of worship in the city along with the Maha Bodhi, Kataragama Devale, Sella Kataragama and Vedihitikanda. The dagoba is also described in the stanzas as one of 16 most important pilgrimage sites in Sri Lanka

The 95 ft. tall Kiri Vehera has a circumference of 280 feet. It is milky white in colour, hence the name. It is situated near the well known Menik Ganga.

There are many theories on the origin of the dagoba. Some believe it was built by Parakramabahu the Great of Polonnaruwa during the Third Century BC, on the request of Queen Subadra. Some think that it was first built by a local ruler named Mahasena on a site made hallowed by the Buddha’s visit.

Some believe that the vihara was originally known as Magul Maha Seya and although there are no clues as to who built it, the bricks used in the construction bear Brahmin inscriptions which point to King Mahanaga’s reign during the Third Century BC. Some records even date it to the first century BC.

The Buddha is believed to have paid a visit to Kataragama during His third visit to Sri Lanka. The Kiri Vehera is said to enshrine the golden seat the Buddha sat on during His sermon, a lock of His hair and the royal sword — magul kaduwa with which Prince Siddhartha cut off His hair at the Great Renunciation.



    到达Kiri Vehera是凌晨四点,那种气氛和环境让你体会什么叫神圣和庄严。我们忙着装五百大碗的牛奶饭,没有阿兵哥的帮忙,舀也舀不动, 我当初还自告奋勇要煮这些饭,不自量力。导师很有影响力,不认识的陌生人也加入行列帮忙,那种感觉真好。我们用茉莉花绕着塔一圈,那一段情景相机没有拍下来。忙着装饭后排在佛塔上足足绕了一圈,我和W提着火炬绕塔顺时走一圈。火把在黑暗中被猛风吹熄,我俩不知所措;黑暗中有个陌生人赶来替我们点火,一股温馨的感觉推动着我们继续前进。诵经仪式开始,人群从四方八面涌上来,手上拿着莲花和茉莉花。在这里每个人都赤脚走路,黑的是皮肤,白的是脚板, 我和W那双脚最白。从没看过那么多人群,一组一组地诵经、礼佛。没人看你,大家是虔诚的, 人家眼里只有佛陀。提着相机到处拍,又怕触犯当地人的忌,幸亏没人理我,还很合作地让我拍照。那女人开始头痛了,她说有一股气要从额头跳出来, 她一路走来真的多灾多难。抓着她要她以意志力抵抗,跟着我绕塔一圈又一圈, 但愿佛陀保佑她生活变得越来越好,一切顺心顺意,一家人早日团聚。

