


这是很久以前我带着爸爸和妈妈到海滩散步,那么巧正碰上日出。这海滩带给我许多美好的童年回忆,祖母、爸爸常带我们到这儿野餐。 升上中学时几乎每一两星期和朋友到此游泳、露营。年少不识愁滋味,一大班人曾经在凌晨骑车到这儿守着看日出。

        那么多姿多彩的生活竟已成过去,如今我已为人妻为人母。 这几天感触良深,对身边的一切眷恋不舍。回到工作岗位尽量做好分内事,怕万一有什么事接手的人会不方便。每一天看到阳光从窗外照进我办公室,就深深吸一口气,深怕明天我不再有机会见到阳光。

        数星期所受的折磨让我体重降了两公斤,还有继续下降的倾向。想了很多从来没想过的问题,也渐渐有了心理准备。星期二复诊后一切答案就会揭晓。不是我胡思乱想而是居安思危, 对病毒实验室的口头报告我还带着保留的态度。

        认识与不认识的朋友这几天都走进来留言慰问,让我感到人间温情。心里涌进的那股暖流抚慰了我的不安与恐惧。留言的朋友都以轻松的语气讲述她们的经验安慰我, 让我再一次深深感动。

        谢谢你们,来自各方的朋友. 愿我们大家都健康快乐地活着

1 条评论:

  1. Even before you were born, I have seen this situation on my own

    father. No $$, got nothing but throat cancer. 3 month we are

    waiting for the death sentences. I understand how you feel.

    sitting on needle.

    but my father ended up live for decades and fully

    recovered......(about 15yr no duck, no beef, no taro, no shrimp,

    no crab, no dog, no some kind of fruit (durian) too....lucky we

    got a lot of chickenssssssssssss......

    and all good stuff coming in after that ...hsssss...shh except

    for me?!?!?

    Be happy, do not worry for thing that may not happen.

    I am sure it won't happen. at least not to you.

    enjoy what are happening with lovessss..

    do your best with a "good heart" and you will be blessed, no

    matter what your believe is/are.

    a health site for you to check on...good for all female.


    forgot to tell you " You worry too much!"

    bye...come back in another few week. (No name)

    hopefully my blog can be at least open.
